The Gospel Truth

The Left Side of History

August 5, 2014
1 Comment

It is not everyone who can claim to have enacted two laws or truisms but I have.

The latest one is that bad ideas invariably drive out good ideas in a society.

I am referring to the idea that people who have fundamental religious, moral and ethical beliefs have been victimized by the secular idea that the new liberal Taliban is in town and they will not tolerate any idea that differs from their new orthodoxy.

I am not talking about Islam but cultural atheism or what president Obama identified as the new national religion in his speech at the Catholic university Notre Dame in 2009.

Pope emeritus Benedict often remarked that he thought it was not so much atheists who damage the Christian faith, as it is the practical atheists who do the real damage. The practical atheists are those who profess themselves Christians but who then live as if God does not exist.

At the heart of this practical atheism, which is very present in our day and also very easy to fall into, is a false relationship with God.  We say one thing yet we do another and we convince ourselves that no one is the wiser. And that includes God.

Racism, multiculturalism and diversity have been adroitly employed to chase religious and moral people from the public square.

This all may have begun with the virtual elimination of the Bible from the public school system in the 1940s and 1950s.

As C.S. Lewis noted, the modern world insists that religion be a purely private affair, then shrinks the area of privacy to the vanishing point.

Total elimination  has always been high on the left-wing agenda throughout history.

I need only cite the French Revolution to dramatize my point.

Racial prejudice and bigotry has become the driving wedge to open up new venues of religious elimination for years now.

The Civil Rights was essentially necessary but it lost its credibility after affirmative action was defended many years after it had become obsolete.

Good grief!  Affirmative action or reverse discrimination has been the law of the land for 40 years. Enough is enough!

It is so deeply embedded in the national psyche, thanks to the Democrat Party, that to mock or criticize any black person even in private is a mortal sin that demands a symbolic public execution. Just witness the plight of Daniel Sterling.

Apply that fear to presidential elections and you see what we get!

By not recognizing the excesses of this racial intransigence traditional society has indirectly delegated or surrendered too much power and moral authority to these real purveyors of intolerance and hatred.

If they would only stop the hatin’!

I am talking about the self-empowered racialists who abuse the moral authority bestowed upon them.

While the civil right movement was legitimate in its early days, its justification now serves as an ersatz proxy moral card to auxiliary groups such as homosexuals, and even many feminists. They have used the accidents of birth to demand acceptance of a life style that had been condemned for millennia.

This is not to say that the Christian virtues of our once moral society should not temper the grave and inhumane excesses of past history but this does not translate into any legitimacy granted to their sexual practices.

The newest phrase to capture all this has been On the Wrong Side of History.

As if the liberal caliphate has a clue just what is moral and immoral! For a collective group that has rejected traditional religion and virtually all of its moral values, they are woefully unqualified to create any replacement set of values that would have universal appeal, such as the Golden and Silver Rules.

They self-righteously think they represent the right side of history.

In a recent screed in her USA Today column, sports writer, Christine Brennan  pontificated about Tony Dungy’s alleged intolerance of homosexuality in the NFL.

She was directing HER intolerance to his honest and heart-felt beliefs that he made about the last man drafted in the NFL’s college draft, Michael Sam, who wantonly disturbed the relative tranquility of NFL locker-room politics with his self-admission that he was gay and proud of it.

Millions of football fans were subjective to the kiss on national TV without warning.  Where is all the concern about our sensitivities?

With regard to Sam’s admission, Dungy noted I wouldn’t have taken him. It’s not going to be totally smooth…Things will happen. In other word he did not want his new football team, the Tampa Bay Bucs turned into a media circus.

The Rams were more willing to take that chance, since he was a Missourian, and that was their choice. There is only a 50-50 chance he will make the team unless the media forces the Rams to deny a better player an opportunity to play for the Rams.

Everything Dungy said is reasonable and honest. So why should we even listen to people like Ms. Brennan sound off about subjects they really don’t even understand?

And how come sports fans must be subjected to her liberal drivel?   Give her an opinion page and leave the sports to someone who really cares about what goes on between the lines or on the court.

In paraphrase of Thomas Paine, these movements have made the world anew.  This is all part of the hope and change that candidate Obama promised us, a hope founded on the illusions, lies and myths of a history gone bad.

Theirs is not the right side of history or even the wrong side of history.  History is neither. The moral judgments its makes are wholly subjective.  Only God really knows which is right or wrong.  What the liberals have today is only the left side of history.



The Anointed One

March 12, 2014

Just who is Michael Sam and why is everyone, including the Pope and Cardinal Richard Dolan talking about him?

For the uninformed he is a football player, who is an excellent defensive player who had a breakout year for the University of Missouri this past fall.

In anticipation of signing a professional contract with the National Football League Sam chose a prime moment to announce that he was a homosexual.

Michael Sam final Mizzou home game.jpg

A prime time moment

Many in the media have waiting for an anointed one to come along and break  the sexual preference barrier, which to them, was just another human rights obstacle.  Lost in their fifght is the fact that most detest football, as not only Neanderthal, barbaric but seriously homophobic. Sam  stands to be their agent to make America the first Rainbow Nation.

Was he recruited for this role?

Of course the Catholic Church with its long and controversial history of opposing homosexuality was drawn into the fray.

The new pope, Francis who in one short year has shown an enormous capacity for being misunderstood and taken out of context probably had more clarifications than the last four popes combined.

In a broader context, the pope when asked about homosexuality in the priesthood said: If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?  He told reporters, speaking in Italian but using the English word gay.

Of course that might not apply to Sam who has been known to frequent Columbia, Missouri’s gay bars.

According to news reports the pope’s words could not have been more different from those of Benedict XVI, who in 2005 wrote that homosexuality was ‘a strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil, and an objective disorder.’ The church document said men with deep-seated homosexual tendencies should not become priests.

Benedykt XVI (2010-10-17) 2.jpg

A different view

The Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera last week published an interview with the pope in which Francis reiterated the church’s teaching that marriage is between a man and a woman while acknowledging that governments want to adopt civil unions for gay couples and others to allow for economic and health benefits, for example.

It was the first time a pope had ever held out the possibility of the church accepting some legal arrangement for same-sex couples, and the remarks prompted a wave of stories, some indicating that the pope had endorsed civil unions or was even signaling an acceptance of gay marriage.

Vatican quickly clarified that Francis was speaking in general terms and that people should not try to read more into the pope’s words than what has been stated.

But the Pope wanted senior Church leaders to look into the issue and to scrutinize the reasons why many countries have legalized same-sex marriages.

Former Missourian, Cardinal Timothy Dolan also was asked about Sam and his gay debut.   Questions like these are often designed to evoke controversial or embarrassing remarks, given the Church’s recent history sex abuse by homosexual or pederastic priests.

Virtually echoing the sentiments of the pope, Dolan said. Good for him, Dolan replied. I would have no sense of judgment on him. God bless ya.

He also added I don’t think, look, the same Bible that tells us, that teaches us, well about the virtues of chastity and the virtue of fidelity and marriage also tells us not to judge people.  So I would say, ‘Bravo.’

I thought the teaching was love the sinner…hate the sin.  A Bravo for an active gay man does not seem much like pastoral advice to me.

Archbishop Timothy Dolan 20090519.jpg

Cheers for Sam

The discussion also dug deeply into America’s contentious racial past.

Liberals were able to dust off the nearly forgotten memory of true pioneer Jackie Robinson and even the often-misunderstood story of Rosa Parks to bolster Sam bid for a larger payday.

Michael Sam has the opportunity to be the Jackie Robinson of the NFL, said professor Orin Starn, chairman of Duke University’s cultural anthropology department.

This is balderdash!

Viciously taunted, and sometimes threatened by players, fans and others, Robinson faced enormous pressure to not only play well, but to do so while restraining the desire to fight back.

An insult to his legacy

Not only had some of his teammates submitted a petition in Florida, saying they would not play with him but during the season pitches under his chin or in his ribs, racial taunts–black cats on the field and the unmerciful heckling of managers, such as Philadelphia’s Ben Chapman made his maiden season a living hell on earth.

Not everyone thought this was an honest comparison.

Black columnist Larry Elder wrote: the attention and pressure on Robinson makes Sam’s future career look like a coronation. Robinson’s was a pre-television, pre-Internet, Jim Crow America, where sports fans really paid keen attention to only three sports – boxing, horse racing and America’s pastime, baseball. Most everybody was watching, many hoping and expecting him to fail.

In my opinion the only thing that Sam has in common with Robinson is the color of his skin.  Homosexuality is an accidental, such as religion and hair styles, not something unchangeable such as race, DNA and eye color.

Sam has not and will not suffer even a modicum of the harassment and opprobrium that Robinson endured.  He has a 100% support of the gay community and the weight of a godless secular society behind him.

LGBT pride flag

A new American flag

And whoever might have the temerity to oppose or even criticize him and maybe even his abilities on the field will quickly become and outlier and even a pariah to the game they play.

I could not help but note how many of the commentators, especially the black ones, cowered before the question when asked for their opinion.

It has been my understanding from my days as a talk show host on radio that most of my black callers were offended by the notion that anyone of their race could be a homosexual.

Such an accusation might have easily unleashed the dread R-word in any conversation. Personally I think that such a comparison is an insult to what Jackie Robinson did for his race, America’s social morality and the game of baseball.

So I have no Bravo for Michael Sam.

From what I have read he might not have enough talent to be an everyday player.  He is caught in the realistic squeeze of being too small for his college position on the defensive line and too slow for a linebacker in the NFL.

Will his coming hide these facts from his judges? I don’t know.

I do wish him well and wish that the mainstream media judge him only by his abilities on the gridiron and nothing else.

Of course I doubt that because as Al Gore has so profoundly told us a zebra cannot change its spots.

About author

After graduating from Holy Cross, Bill Borst earned an MA in Asian History from St. John's University and a Ph.D in American History from St. Louis University. (1972) A former New Yorker, he taught for many years in the St. Louis area, while also hosting a weekly radio show on WGNU from 1984-2006. He currently is a regular substitute for conservative Phyllis Schlafly on KSIV radio. (1320) He is the author of two books on social history, "Liberalism: Fatal Consequences," and "The Scorpion and the Frog: A Natural Conspiracy." He just retired as the Features editor of the Mindszenty Foundation Monthly Report. In his 11 years from 2003-2013 he wrote nearly 130 essays on Catholic culture and world affairs. Many in St. Louis also know him as the "Baseball Professor," because of a course that he offered at Maryville College from 1973-74. It was arguably the first fully-accredited baseball history course in the Midwest.The author of several short books on the old St. Louis Browns, he started the St. Louis Browns Historical Society in 1984. In 2009 his first two plays were produced on the local stage. "The Last Memory of an Ol' Brownie Fan," ran six performances at the Sound Stage in Crestwood and "A Perfect Choice" ran for two performances at the Rigali Center Theater in Shrewsberry. His third play, "A Moment of Grace," ran six performances at DeSmet High School in January of 2011with First Run Theater in January of 2011. He is currently working on a 4th play, "A Family Way," which is a comedy about a happy dysfunctional family. He can reached at





